Many people dislike the compartmentalization of older-style homes; you know, the in-home design that was most prominent before people embraced the idea of open-concept living: small rooms and lots of them.
If this sounds like your home, you are probably ready to upgrade. But if you don’t have the funds or the time to dedicate to remodelling the interior, you can still make some changes. Here are some tips on how to increase the size of a room without having to waste time, money, or effort in actually doing so.
Living big in a tiny space
Let’s say you’re one of those incredibly cool people who’s decided to throw convention to the wind and engage in the tiny living movement. Then you already know a thing or two about trying to maximize the amount of ‘space’ you have in an actual small space. Whether that’s making your home office inside the tiny house as multi-functional as possible with a three-top desk or building a loft bedroom to give you as much space as possible downstairs, there’s plenty that you can do, even if you have no significant square footage to work with.
Use white paint
This doesn’t just apply to tiny homes. You can make any space feel more prominent with white paint. White paint typically goes well on ceilings and walls. White paint illuminates an otherwise dark space by offering a reflective surface for the incoming light to bounce off. It also makes the eye think about the area by offering a sharp visual contrast. White paint is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to open space. If you’re painting a space, it is recommended that you do this yourself to save money.
Get creative with the lighting
If you’ve been thinking that your windows and curtains need replacing for a long time, now might be a good time to do just that. If you’re opening up space, or at least fooling the eyes into thinking that space is more significant than it is, one thing you will need a lot of is good light!
Good light can be achieved with large windows. You may have to put some money into this endeavour, but it will undoubtedly be worth it in the long run. If you don’t have a lot of money to play with when it comes to lighting a space with new windows, consider getting some new light fixtures instead; this will immediately make a visual difference without breaking the bank.
Clean up the clutter
One of the best things you can do for a small space is to de-clutter it. If you’ve got a stack of old books that’s been sitting on the coffee table since God was a boy, consider moving them to a small shelving unit, and clean up anything else that might be considered ‘straggling’ from your last deep clean. Cleaning the clutter will give you a sense of scale and a new perspective on the space, opening up new opportunities to visualize new ways to arrange the furniture.
Move the furniture around
This ties in nicely with our next suggestion: rearranging the furniture is a great way to open up space. You can do this by moving couches and TVs in the living room. Try putting the TV in the corner and the couch on the opposite wall and hanging a large art piece where the TV once was.
The great thing about interior design is that there are no right or wrong answers! You can move your furniture as much as you like until you find something that works for you. You can also consider selling old furniture if it no longer fits within your new vision or hasn’t been used for anything substantial in a long time and is purely for aesthetic purposes. Sometimes less is more.
However, if you choose to decorate your small space, remember that it doesn’t have to be a big, expensive, stressful task. Keep it simple and think big. How can you maximize the small space? That’s up to you. We’re just here to help you think about it. And, if you need a hand with painting your new house or apartment, contact MrPaint today!

In 2014 Adrian quit his job and opened a painting business called MrPaint. Adrian is a strong believer in the ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ principle and backs this up by being a competitive track cyclist here in Australia.